Amazon Aff封账号了求助-TGL论坛的一位兄弟

封账号的话可以有用这个地址联系 customer service of
分析amazon account been closed的话可以到Amazon后台看最近几个月的点击量有没暴涨,每天点击量变化起伏是否太大。
最好的办法就是每个网站分配一个独立跟踪代码,点击量有暴涨的话出现这问题时就可以分析点击量出现暴涨tract code对应的网站.有可能的话暂时把网站关闭.不知是否可以避免amazon account been closed.
Amazon Aff封账号了求助-TGL论坛的一位兄弟.


We are writing to notify you that we are terminating the Amazon Associates Program Operating Agreement with you with immediate effect.  Your Associates Program account will be closed and you will not receive further payment of advertising fees.  We have taken this step because you are not in compliance with the Operating Agreement that governs your participation in the Associates Program.

You are not in compliance with Participation Requirement Number 27( … ating/participation) because you are automatically starting sessions on an Amazon Site tagged with your Associates ID in order to artificially increase your advertising fee earnings.

使用了automatically starting sessions
我回信说我从来没有使用过automatically starting sessions,一切都是正规操作,我说可能不是我的网站使用了这个,请求他们给我使用了这个sessions 的url地址


As previously stated, while reviewing your account, we found that you are in violation of the Associates Program Operating Agreement. You can review the complete terms of the Operating Agreement, including Participation Requirements, by following this link:

If you wish to appeal this decision, please provide us with a detailed description of the methods you are using to refer customers to the Amazon site. The description you send should include, for example, identification of the sites on which your banner ads are posted, advertising services you are using, screenshots of your site’s analytics tools that show your site traffic and its sources, the keywords you are using to drive referrals, and any other information that would be relevant to confirming the your compliance with the Operating Agreement, which can be found here:

Please send the requested information to us by using the Contact Us form available here:

Once this information is received, we will be happy to review your account for reinstatement.

